Apply to Spin-outs Denmark

Are you an entrepreneurial junior researcher with a project with a commercial potential within natural science, technical science and biotech, or social science and humanities? Do you want to create a company and commercialize your research results? Spin-outs Denmark could very well be a program for you.

Can I apply?

You can apply to the program if:

  • You are inventor or co-inventor of research results with commercial potential and impact within natural science, technical science and biotech, social science and humanities.
  • You are employed by one of the Danish universities.
  • You are qualified for a post-doc position or equivalent.
  • Your application is endorsed and supported by your department.

What is the application process like?

The application process consists of both a written application (slide deck) and an oral pitch in front of a panel. You must demonstrate positive expressions of interest from a potential commercial partner, customer or investor. The application process is expected to last 1-2 months.

How to apply?

To apply, first get in touch with your university contact person listed below. They can answer questions related to the program and support you in the application process.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Marianna Lubanski

IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)

Peter Ibsen

Roskilde University (RUC)

Rune Egedal Westergaard

University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

Bo Nilsson

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Jens Friholm

University of Copenhagen (KU)

Anders Petersen

Aalborg University (AAU)

Jens Frede Rasmussen

Aarhus University (AU)

Mogens Fahlgren Andersen

Any questions?

Please get in touch if you have any questions left about the program.